Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Stop and Smell the Perfectly Posh Lavender

Stop and smell the lavender During the month of April Perfectly Posh is celebrating Lavender!
Lavender is a flowering plant of the mint family known for its beauty, its sweet floral fragrance and its multiple uses. Lavender oil is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean and Middle East regions, and its recorded use dates back 2500 years. At that time, lavender oil was used primarily for herbal baths, perfume and incense. During the middle ages, further uses of lavender oil were discovered. Due to its insecticidal properties, lavender protected linens from moths, and was even strewn over castle floors to protect against insect infestations. It was also used in sickrooms as a disinfectant and deodorant. During war times, lavender was used in smelling salts and used to disinfect wounds.
Presently, lavender oil uses are almost too numerous to count (but we’ll go over quite a few later!)
True Lavender (also known as English Lavender, or Lavandula Angustifolia) and Spike Lavender are the two most popular varieties utilized to make lavender oil. True Lavender (listed as Lavandula Angustifolia) is the variety used in our favorite Posh Products. This is the variety that comes to mind when one thinks of elegant English gardens. This plant features narrow leaves, short, crooked stems, and barrel-shaped (rather than spiked) flowers. The sweet, floral scent of true lavender (and essential oil made from it) provides a variety of aromatherapy properties, ranging from soothing, calming, and relaxing, to normalizing, balancing, and healing.
Benefits and Uses (and these are just a few of the many!):
Eliminates Acne: Lavender oil is one of the few natural ingredients that can help get rid of acne. Its natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties fight the bacteria that cause acne and inflammation.
Relieves Eczema: Lavender oil has the ability to relieve the itching, and moisturizes irritated areas caused by eczema. By adding moisture to the skin, it accelerates the healing process.
Detoxify the Skin: Lavender’s powerful antioxidants can fight against the harmful effects of environmental toxins and other pollutants. Howard University College of Medicine found that lavender oil was one of the few essential oils that can inhibit the growth of skin bacteria.
Heals Burns: Lavender’s antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties aid in healing burns. It can also treat the scars caused by burns and other injuries. It even acts as a pain reliever!
Toner: Lavender tones and makes your skin firm as it boosts circulation, thus resulting in an increased supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. This helps in keeping the cells healthy and boosting their renewal process.
Treats Insomnia: Lavender essential oil is considered a traditional medication for promoting sound sleep. This is because its scent induces alpha waves in the area of the brain that is responsible for relaxation, thus making you fall asleep faster.
Treats Anxiety/Depression: Lavender essential oil is effective in curing anxiety and depression through its calming, sedative, and anti-convulsive effects. One study conducted on postpartum women showed that lavender oil could bring down the levels of anxiety and depression without any adverse side effects.
Cures Headaches: Lavender has proven to be effective in providing relief from migraine headaches and preventing the onset of a new headache.
De-stress from the daily doldrums with lavender.   Posh has a variety of lavender-rich products to nourish, calm, and help you unwind!
Perfectly Posh Lavender Products

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